Saturday, December 25, 2010

Taryn - 1 month old / Blessing Day

Jenna is an amazing big sister to Taryn... she is so good at assessing her needs. You'll notice in a lot of these pictures Taryn is crying. She cries a lot. As she approaches 3 months she is definitely getting better.
Morgan is very matter-of-fact regarding her sister. If Taryn cries and Morgan sees that nobody is taking care of her, Morgan will try to give her a binki or pick her up. I feel like I always need to be on my toes protecting our children from each other. Jenna and Morgan are a funny combo... their fights escalate because Jenna fights with words and Morgan physically - grabbing, scratching, pulling, etc. - you can guess who usually wins.
The first couple months we appreciated these peaceful moments when Taryn slept. Poor thing just cried so much... fortunately we could keep her content a lot of the time by holding her.
Taryn wore the same blessing dress as her sisters. We enjoyed family coming to celebrate this special day with us.

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