Wednesday, December 16, 2009

December memories...

I had a good laugh when I realized Jenna's sticker was tempting me to gift her away.... hmmm, who would I give her to and how long before they return her? I do love my Jenna, it's just been one of those trying months of parenthood. Has anyone else dragged a child out of "dollar tree" while she screamed "I don't want my presents from Santa... I want my presents from the STORE!" Guess I wore out the "let's ask Santa" answer.
Jenna dictated her first letter to Santa. We are off to meet Santa today.
Morgan smiling for the camera but avoiding the flash. She is 18 months old and has started going to nursery at church. Whereas she didn't smile the entire time she was there, she did not cry either.
Morgan came downstairs after her nap with this hair-do.
Jenna and I created our family plus her two friends out of play-do.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Haley!! Morgan looks so similar to you! I love it. And I am so there with you about the stage of life Charlotte's in. I love her but sometimes I just want to run and hide in the corner and rock myself to sanity. ha ha. I'm hoping we'll get through this. AND SOON. Merry Christmas!!