Thursday, September 6, 2012

1st Day of 1st Grade and Preschool - 2012

 Although a little reluctant to pose for this picture at the bus stop, Jenna was ready and excited for her 1st day of school!  Our routine will be all four girls and I parading to the bus stop twice each day with our bikes and double stroller.  We love the fresh air and meeting our Jenna...also a good time to teach Taryn to stay on the sidewalk:{
 Our 6, 4 and almost 2 yr-olds.  Baby Anna was comfy in the stroller.
 Thanks for humoring me with a smile, beautiful Jenna dear.
Our back-to-school "bash" complete with neighbor friends and a pinata.  There are few things in this world our kids love more than a pinata.

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